Couple announcements: I'll be opening for the incredible Andy Kindler on December 13th in Portland and my next Intro to Standup Class is starting January 13th, 2018.
I'm running another (completely free) workshop for comedians. More info here.
I'll be taking over Writer’s Bloc at Helium and leading a discussion about all the stuff in comedy that isn’t comedy. Booking, networking, producing, business stuff. The not fun parts.…
I'll be teaching a one-day intensive intro to standup workshop at Helium Comedy in St. Louis on August 19th. Come learn all my secrets PLUS LIGHT SNACKS.

My annual list of Portland-based jokes / grievances is up! Definitely the best one I've done!
Read it now.

My annual column for the Mercury is up and it's definitely the best one I've ever done.
Read it now

I wrote this really fun piece for the Portland Mercury about ways to go around town pretending to be rich.
Read it now