Your assessment, (while comic and sarcastic) is true and hilarious.
Dude calm your tits itd just a commercial
While your review was funny, it was very denigrating and not very nice. I guess you have to be a not nice person to be a comedy writer, eh?
Oh, hey, Alex Falcone, you are a bad writer.
Whoever wrote this, please, I’m begging you, text and drive, a lot, please. You owe it to society, you 12 year old girl in a hairy man suit.
This dude is a bitch.
You bastard sex rocks what the fuck is your you not like condoms because a girls never asked you to use one or have had sex you bastard
Its is time to hire writers who know English grammar, and punctuation.
Alex, ditch your Justin Bieber hair-do, it’s so unbecomming of a writer of your fame and stature.
Chubby, buck-toothed, four-eyed nerd lefty two years out of journalism college he went six years to
Is Alex Falcone a limp-wristed sodomite? He sure writes like one …
it is because of people like you that the market is in such a disarray all the time.
The first half of the article was well done, felt like you were stretching a bit towards the end though. Overall a solid B for effort. 🙂
absolutely tragically! no Repekt before this achievement! Extinguish this video again!
A worthy addition to the legion of 15 year-old chronic masturbators on Youtube
i say i dont like you and your a FUCK TARD
I get that your having fun giving your opinion
you should stop wearing shorts that cover your knees, they make you look like a douche-bro.
What an infantile review, trying to be clever but failing miserably.
Pieces like this can be moderately interesting… but this is just a list of one person’s ill-considered opinions.
I want to see the people that would pay $12.00 to watch these clueless fucktards. but Portland is a mindless hipster shithole
This must be one of the most petty things I’ve ever read.
I can’t root for you because you’re boring
I hate this video
I could smell the sweat coming off of this attempt at humor.
Wow what a beta CUCK
mildly amusing. short.
What the fuck even.
Wow, this rhetoric is what should not be invited back. Beyond stupid, idiotic moron looking for attention.
Not funny. Not relevant. Not even nihilistic.
Yea… so this guy doesn’t fuck
Says the soyboy with the testosterone levels of a 95 year old man.
“Although it is infinitely soaked with stupidity, it draws you in and reads it as you eat fresh rolls in the morning :)”
Oh this must be the liberal dirt bag museum that posts demented liberal trash paintings shows the nentallity of these liberal whacks twisted warped minds
too neatly packaged and easily digestible to be deeply exciting.
the result felt more formulaic than challenging.
Maybe the reason the crows are shitting on you is because you are a god awful human.
Of all the things that didn’t not happen, this the most didn’t happen.
Didn’t get flustered at all!
The funny part isn’t his joke. It’s that he’s a total beta cuck.
This man is the stay at home dad Mac Demarco
He looks like he smells like Soylent.
Not rib breaking funny, but has a solid base. Sorta like that funny person you meet at a party.
Unfortunately because of your voice… You aren’t funny
Too much about sex. Get some new material.
You look like the annoying kid from polar express
Entertaining and annoying at the same time